Maitreya Rael, founder and spiritual leader of the International Raelian Movement, receives periodic messages from the Elohim, the advanced, extraterrestrial scientists who created all life on Earth, including us. The earliest messages given to Rael for humanity were given to him by the Elohim more than 40 years ago. They are presented in the book Intelligent Design – Message from the Designers. You can download that book for free here.
The Elohim are still watching everything that happens on Earth. No so-called “top secret” information is secret from them, and there is nothing any individual, group or government body can do to change that. In fact, Rael is receiving new messages from the Elohim about disturbing developments in our planet’s most secret government services. Those messages and any updates Rael receives will be posted on this Website as they become available.
In addition, note this important addendum stated by Rael on Aug. 21, 2015:
“I’m not sure if I will live on Earth very long after the few revelations I’m about to make. That’s because I’m now on the list of people who “need to be terminated” by the U.S. and Israeli secret services. But even if I were to disappear, someone would replace me and receive the information from our Creators. That person would be either the new elected Guide of Guides (who would replace me) or someone else, who would reveal himself ONLY for this purpose and not be a new Prophet (since there will be no more Prophets), or someone chosen to be the new Raelian Movement leader. His mission would ONLY be to reveal state secrets and absolutely nothing else. Whatever happens to me, the Elohim will make sure they continue trying to save humanity.”